Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Entry #1

I've been fortunate enough to have several experiences with the outdoors. When I was 12, my parents took me on a 2 month RV trip over summer. We travelled all over the United States and I got to see many different masterpieces of nature and the environment, such as Old Faithful, the guyser, the Badlands of North Dakota, and Yellowstone National Park. These are a few places that I will never forget. The scenery and animal was fascinating. I hope some day to return to these places. I love travelling and being outdoors.
My personal goals for this class are to understand the environment better and how I can do my own part to help keep the Earth healthy. I'm a nursing major so I like to fix people and make them better; I could apply that characteristic of myself to this class to help make the environment a better place to be. And the fact that I love being outdoors, this class will also help me to see parts of Lee County that I've yet to see with the field trips we will be taking. I've only lived here for 3 years, so I have yet to see even part of the environment in this area. Looking forward to an educational and rewarding semester!

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