Friday, July 2, 2010

Entry #10

When I first enrolled in University Colloquium, my thought was "eh it's just another requirement," but to my surprise, it has turned out to be extremely beneficial to my future career as a nurse, and also just for my own knowledge base. Environmental health is a huge part of nursing, as there are so many things in the community that can be detrimental to a person's health. For example, pollen, toxins, and climate can affect a patients' health in many different ways. By understanding the environment and how the ecosystem works will help me to treat my clients in a much more educated and knowledgable way.
In the short term, this class has enabled me to understand more fully what is going on with the climate and the whole "global warming" fiasco. I've always known there was an issue, but until I took this class, I was unaware just how urgent and pressing the problem actually is.
A highpoint that I enjoyed about this class was the field trips. Although I missed the target on a few of them, it was still an excellent learning experience and allowed me to get outside and enjoy environments that I had never been to before. Sanibel was absolutely beautiful. Kayaking on the Estero River was also a lot of fun; definatly something I will be continuing in the near future. The field trips also forced me away from my studying and homework and made me have some fun- which is something that rarely happens while school is in session.
I didn't really find anything overly difficult about the class, it was just a lot of work all at once, which is to be expected with summer classes. One thing I did have trouble with was the reading. I think for future classes, the reading should be more up to date; something that we can follow and relate to. With all of the environmental issues arising in today's society, I can imagine there are some great works out there from writers who are more then credible. That would be my only suggestion and difficulty I encountered with this class.

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